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Protect Your Peace mental health mindset peace physical health wellbeing Feb 03, 2025

Life can be chaotic, unpredictable and dangerous. There are no guarantees and frequently no warnings. Breakups happen, jobs end, relocation becomes necessary. Fortunes rise and fall. Sickness....

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Giving Thanks gratitude mental health mindset motivation physical health Nov 24, 2024

Thanksgiving may be a uniquely American holiday, but the act of giving thanks has positive universal impact. I routinely see comments to the effect of, “Gratitude is like ‘thoughts and...

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Recovery emotional mental health peace recovery self care Jun 24, 2024

In my last article, I compared the occasionally severe emotional turbulence of life to an out-of-control spin in an airplane; a situation that can be fatal if left uncorrected. The analogy still...

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Spun authentic control human mental health overwhelmed truth Jun 15, 2024

There is an event in aviation called a “flat spin.” This is a sudden and chaotic loss of control in which the aircraft remains level but begins to rapidly rotate around its axis, like a...

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We Are Magical inspiration jeff w welsh magic mental health mindset motivation Sep 18, 2023

Mental health professionals are trained to notice so-called “magical thinking” in their patients/clients. We are taught that the belief that a person’s thoughts, words or actions...

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Spectrum of Health gratitude happiness inspiration meaning mental health success Mar 20, 2023

There is a spectrum of health that begins in our most ethereal, subtle bodies and extends into our material, physical selves.

This knowledge is borne from decades of experience. I have seen this...

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