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What Do You See? art beauty creators imagination purpose Jun 03, 2024

We experience our lives initially through our senses as a series of sights, sounds, smells and so on. Later we recall and modify the memories that were created by our senses. Together, our senses...

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Are You A Creator? balance creator inspiration meaning purpose May 30, 2024

When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut. I grew up in the age of manned rockets and like most boys my age, imagined traveling through space and exploring new planets. The reality of what it...

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Love creativity love mindset purpose wellness May 20, 2024

It’s a nebulous construct, poorly defined at best. “Love” is a word used to describe an emotion, a commitment, a gut feeling. It is also a common excuse for bad behavior ranging...

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Ennui: The New Pandemic bored distraction inspiration overmedicated purpose May 13, 2024

It’s more than boredom. Ennui is a restlessness, a detached dissatisfaction with life. A soul-sucking downward spiral of lost productivity and cheap dopamine hits. There is a huge wave of...

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Focus discipline focus meaning mindset purpose success Feb 26, 2024

Our brains are wondrous things, mysterious and unprecedented in the animal kingdom. My belief is that we are just beginning to get a glimpse of the capability of this miraculous organ.


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A Longer View gratitude meaning mindfulness perspective planning purpose Oct 31, 2023

The older I get, the more I see the value of taking a longer view. When I was first learning to drive, my father told me to look farther down the road to keep me from weaving around. It was good...

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Define Your Purpose creators inspiration meaning motivation purpose success Oct 23, 2023

As an existentialist, I don’t believe that we are born with a pre-defined destiny. Consciousness does not come with a road map, so you are free to choose your own self-meaning. Let’s...

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Fear In Disguise authenticity creators discipline fear purpose responsibility Oct 16, 2023

A message for my creative friends, borne of love and compassion:

There are many thoughts and behaviors that impede our progress and make it more difficult to achieve our goals. What appear to be...

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Look Back, Move Forward experience inspiration memory purpose self-awareness success Oct 09, 2023

It is valuable to travel to once-familiar places and reminisce. In my experience, it is often necessary to look back in order to move forward.


Memory is a powerful ally. At its core, your...

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Practical Existentialism creators inspiration meaning motivation purpose success Oct 02, 2023

Practical Existentialism is a term I use to describe the theoretical and clinical foundation of my work. It is a particularly effective mindset and operational strategy for creators.


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Perfection vs. Excellence excellence happiness inspiration jeff w welsh motivation purpose success Sep 11, 2023

We hear the phrase all the time: “I want to make it as perfect as I can.” But there are two issues with that statement that can lead to disappointment and disillusion. To understand...

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Inspiration vs. Distraction creator discipline discrimination inspiration mindset purpose success Jul 31, 2023

How can you tell the difference between inspiration and distraction in a world that offers so much of each? I wouldn’t think to advise you about anything that I haven’t thought...

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Who Are You? authenticity identity inspiration mindfulness motivation original purpose self knowledge Jul 24, 2023

Who are you?

It’s the hardest question of all and the most important, especially for creative types.

We want the things we create to be noticed, to be of use to someone. For that to happen,...

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Stuck discipline focus mindfulness purpose responsibility success Jun 12, 2023

You know the feeling. You’re not where you want to be and you can’t seem to move on to…anywhere. You’re just stuck.

You can be stuck anywhere. In relationships, in your...

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Find Your Voice authenticity meaning mindfulness original purpose success May 29, 2023

This article on how to find your voice is an after-the-fact companion to my blog post Be Who You Are, which extolled the virtues of an authentic life. I have received many questions about how to...

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