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Define Yourself authenticity focus life meaning purpose self-definition Dec 02, 2024

You can define yourself. It’s a choice, not manifest destiny. This regularly comes as a complete shock to the people with whom I work, in both principle and the degree to which it is true.


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The Heart of Art art authenticity community connection creators Apr 08, 2024

Chances are good you are reading this on a backlit electronic screen. Chances are also good that this article isn’t the only thing that has been presented to you on that screen today. In...

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The Last Day art authenticity content creators focus inspiration mindfulness motivation Feb 19, 2024

“Today is a good day to die.” You have heard the phrase in numerous contexts, usually attributed to Native American culture. While the exact origin of the phrase is uncertain, I prefer...

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Compassion authenticity compassion creator love mindfulness Jan 22, 2024

Compassion: A Short Story

I do some part-time work as a professor and counselor at a local college, mainly to stay connected to the world of higher education that has been a part of my life for over...

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Write it Out authenticity change experience expression writing Jan 16, 2024

What is it about writing that is so good for the mind and the soul? You don’t have to be  Don DeLillo or Cormack McCarthy. It’s not necessary to be Hemingway or Steinbeck to reap...

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Craft authenticity craft creators discipline excellence inspiration motivation Nov 27, 2023

At the end of the day, it’s what we actually do. Professional creators in any field must contend with a dizzying array of support tasks. But the care and effort we bring to our craft is what...

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Outside The Box authenticity creativity creators inspiration motivation original Nov 20, 2023

My wife, Jenn is a creator of the fine art persuasion. She draws and paints and many of her creations are stunningly unique. At one point early in our relationship I commented, “Wow -...

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The Dark Side art authenticity creator expression inspiration motivation success Nov 13, 2023

“Sad songs, they say so much,” sang Elton John in 1984. The dark side of art was popular long before Bernie Taupin wrote those lyrics and remains so now.

Sophie’s Choice; The Road;...

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Fear In Disguise authenticity creators discipline fear purpose responsibility Oct 16, 2023

A message for my creative friends, borne of love and compassion:

There are many thoughts and behaviors that impede our progress and make it more difficult to achieve our goals. What appear to be...

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Confidence Cycle authenticity coaching competence confidence discipline health success Sep 25, 2023

A confidence cycle is the diametric opposite of the proverbial “downward spiral.”

We all know the downward spiral as it applies to health, for example.

Let’s look at a fictional...

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Self-Care for Creators authenticity creator inspiration mindfulness motivation original self love success Aug 07, 2023

Creative types have a big responsibility: our audiences depend on us to deliver content that challenges, entertains and inspires. It is more difficult to create authentic, original ideas when we...

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Who Are You? authenticity identity inspiration mindfulness motivation original purpose self knowledge Jul 24, 2023

Who are you?

It’s the hardest question of all and the most important, especially for creative types.

We want the things we create to be noticed, to be of use to someone. For that to happen,...

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Why Create? authenticity creator energy inspiration motivation success Jul 17, 2023

Why are humans are hardwired to create?

We – as a species – have been inveterate creators from the earliest cave paintings to cutting-edge technological innovations. We invent, we...

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Success authenticity competence energy mindset motivation success Jun 26, 2023

Success is the mindset, clarity and vibratory energy that allows you to pursue the highest good of which you can conceive.

This is a short summary of a long discussion. I explore this most...

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Find Your Voice authenticity meaning mindfulness original purpose success May 29, 2023

This article on how to find your voice is an after-the-fact companion to my blog post Be Who You Are, which extolled the virtues of an authentic life. I have received many questions about how to...

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