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It’s why you’re here. The work, that is. We probably should call it The Work; it’s that important. And it is just as important that you do the work, once you are clear on what...
What do you want?
More money? The answer is mindset.
A nicer house, a better car, a better job? The answer is mindset.
Want to move to a different town, different country? Want to be your own boss?...
True psychospiritual growth entails periods of pain and isolation. Focused introspection will allow you to learn from the situation and move forward. You will need to be self-disciplined,...
If you regularly follow my work, you know that the unifying theme of my writing is a concept I call Hardcore Happiness. It is an uncomfortable truth that you must have discipline and exert some...
Turns out you just have to pick your hard.
Sitting around all day, doing nothing and having no purpose and wondering why you’re here at all is hard.
Trying your best and being consistently...
Discipline is necessary for just about anything in life, from getting up in the morning to achieving lofty goals. My own experience, in my personal life and from working with others, is that there...
The line of people who don’t want to be happier is the shortest line in the world. When you ask why they want to be rich, to be famous, to have freedom, to generally do well in their lives,...
This week’s article is in response to a reader’s question: “What are some tools to help us be aware of our habitual choices and improve upon them?” This is a great question...
We all have daily stressors; it’s part of life. That’s NOT what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about those days when there are so many issues coming at you so fast that...
Today I have been fortunate and careful enough to complete 66 orbits around the sun. Like any life there have been many highs and lows. Like any person, I have tried to maximize the highs and...
We hear the phrase all the time: “I want to make it as perfect as I can.” But there are two issues with that statement that can lead to disappointment and disillusion. To understand...
The “P" word. The habit of procrastination is one of the great killers of productivity, self esteem and success in business and life.
Procrastination wastes our time, makes us feel bad about...
Millions of people have bought Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret. If you don’t have a copy, I suggest you pick one up. I have never met Rhonda and I’m not affiliated with her...
Life isn’t a rehearsal where you can request a do-over. You don’t have the luxury to rehearse your lines until they are perfect. You’re living in real-time. This very minute, as...
You are likely familiar with burnout; a state of mental, emotional and often physical exhaustion brought about by prolonged periods of stress. Let’s take a slightly different look at the...