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Only bad people sell your info. We're not bad people.
If you’re reading this, chances are you know the feeling. You want a better life, and you’re willing to put in the extra work. So you have a side hustle, something that excites you...
Art is the most personal act. By definition, an original piece of art can only come from within. Each if us is influenced by that which has come before, of course, but the finished product is...
Here we are again. Another diagnosis of horrible, life-ending disease for someone I love. If you live long enough, you experience these tragic pronouncements with increasing frequency. The...
Our brains are wondrous things, mysterious and unprecedented in the animal kingdom. My belief is that we are just beginning to get a glimpse of the capability of this miraculous organ.
“Today is a good day to die.” You have heard the phrase in numerous contexts, usually attributed to Native American culture. While the exact origin of the phrase is uncertain, I prefer...
We’ve all seen the headlines: “Have ChatGPT write a best-selling book for you in seconds!” “I make $100,000 a month from one post written with ChatGPT!” Unless you are...
What does it mean to be “high-functioning”? The term applies to people who set and achieve their goals at a very high level. These people do not necessarily have less challenges than...
It’s a serious question. Most of us spend an inordinate amount of time passively absorbing the thoughts of other people, bingeing TV or doom-scrolling through our social media accounts....
Compassion: A Short Story
I do some part-time work as a professor and counselor at a local college, mainly to stay connected to the world of higher education that has been a part of my life for over...
What is it about writing that is so good for the mind and the soul? You don’t have to be Don DeLillo or Cormack McCarthy. It’s not necessary to be Hemingway or Steinbeck to reap...
I remember a time that I was perfectly content in my little house in my little home town. That was ages ago. I’ve been psychologically “running” for a long time now.
It happened...
Today I have been fortunate and careful enough to complete 66 orbits around the sun. Like any life there have been many highs and lows. Like any person, I have tried to maximize the highs and...
Welcome to my 48th article this year and the last of 2023. The end of the calendar year is as good a time as any to take stock of the last 12 months and make new plans. Time to start again.
So here it is. You have cleared your mind and stilled the incessant, distracting chatter (as we discussed in last week’s blog post). Now you are staring at a blank page, or staff or canvas....
The quieter you become, the more you can hear. - Ram Dass
Here I sit in a coffee shop, attempting to write. This has to be one of the loudest environments around. I can barely hear the scream of the...